Costco TP Tracker Form
Costco TP Tracker – Form
Help us track the status of toilet paper (TP) and other important necessities at your Costco by filling out the form below. If items are out of stock, it’s just as important to tell us that as well.
If you’re looking for the results/current availability status of these products, they are here.
I don’t see a response on items that I need
Extremely long lines
Letting group of 100at a time at early am senior shopping time
Anyone know which location have Huggies or Kirkland diapers size 4 & size 5? Also needs baby wipes
No line @ the Costco where I live. They only let 10 in at a time. No TP. They only have water
Costco in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania has TP, but it’s not the Kirkland brand. It’s Scott.
need a reporting page that is more streamlined. NO ads, NO comments – so that mobile users can actually report on their mobile devices without so much crap in the way. seriously, this page works fine on PC but on a mobile device it is horrible. No wonder people are not reporting as often as needed.