Culinary Treasures Organic Lemon Ginger Sesame Dressing
Item #:
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Dressing & Marinade
Sells on Amazon for over $14 – excellent reviews.
Confirmed Locations:
Dressing & Marinade
Sells on Amazon for over $14 – excellent reviews.
Confirmed Locations:
My favorite dressing! Not sure why Costco doesn’t carry all the time? Months go by and Henderson, NV Costco won’t have in stock??? Obviously VERY popular!!!
Just spoke w/Costco Corp. 1.800.774.2678. Was informed this Salad Dressing has been discontinued and they will no longer carry it in stores! All let’s call Costco and request they bring it back by popular demand!
I called the manufacturer and they told me Costco still sells it! I then asked at my store and was told “we don’t carry it anymore”. I related my conversation with the manufacturer and the Costco manager then said “hold on”. She came back on the line and said, “yes, we’ll be getting more but I can’t tell you when”. Im still watching 2 months later.
Amazon sells it for $15! Wasn’t it ~$5 in the store?
And remember – if there is an * on the price card – it is a temporary item. Buy lots!
It was $2.97 at Costco, but has been discontinued. I won’t pay more than $2-$4 for salad dressing. Back to Olive Oil & Vinegar!
Costco-Prescott Az,
I really like this item. Was introduced to Organic Lemon Ginger Sesame dressing by Costco and have not been able to get it again.
Is there a specific costco location that carries this salad dressing? Went to the location in Roseville CA and they did not have it.
I live in Mission Viejo, CA. Where is the closest Costco I purchase the dressing and marinade by Culinary Treasures, specifically: lemon, ginger & sesame.
Love this dressing. Got it at Poway, California Costco. Now I can’t find it. Please bring it back.
Yes, we agree it’s good stuff! We wish we had the power to bring it back to your store – but we’re not affiliated with Costco corporate…so we’d have little influence on them. 🙂
It’s at Glendora Ca location. A lot of them!
Thanks! Was it selling for $2.97 there too?
$4.99 at Costco in Albuquerque NM.
There is a huge demand for culinary treasurers Lemon ginger sesame product number 513 233.
Please bring back the salad dressing, please, please, please, please, PLEASE, PLLLEEEEAASSSSEEE!!
I am second to Noreen, Please bring it back to Costco, if not, why not start selling it to our supermarkets such as Kroger’s or Safeway ( Albertson”s) Iam sure they would be glad to have such a fabulous item on their selves.
Please bring this back. I love this and the Tuscan Italian. They are so good
This is the very best dressing/marinade EVER. First had it on a prepared Tri-tip from a Costco in MA. I fell in love with it. Back in San Diego, Costco had it for a while, but nowhere to be found now. My last bottle is down to less than 1/4 full and I salivate thinking of the delicious taste of it on a Tri-tip. This is one special item. Costco is my very favorite store, I’m there at least once a week, sometimes twice. Throughout this Pandemic, the Costco service has been
outstanding, THANK YOU TO ALL at Costco Morena Blvd. in SD