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The NERF tug toy in the kit is not safe, do not buy it. My husband bought the box of 3 toys. The 6 month old puppy played with it safely for a month. When two tugged and chewed on it a 3 in. Piece was swallowed and eventually thrown up by the puppy’s mom, both were sick, puppy pooped blood and orange and blue nylon strings. Regular vet, X-ray, Specialty vet X-ray, fluids, antibiotics, return visit, more X-rays, and mom had laparoscopic removal of material from dilated ulcerated stomach. Bill was over $5k!
Item # 1307648 refers to the NERF 3 dog toys and comments above. The puppy continues on antibiotics at this time and the mom receives two medications twice daily to treat her damaged stomach. She is a champion show dog and therapy dog and was preparing to leave soon to compete in an annual national Samoyed dog show. So all because this toy material is so hard on dogs if swallowed when chewed, and however it’s put together it just isn’t tight enough to stay together, we may have to pull the dogs from the show, and our vacation too after what we spent at the vet’s. But our pups are on the mend.
These are 4.97
Down to 4.97 now
The NERF tug toy in the kit is not safe, do not buy it. My husband bought the box of 3 toys. The 6 month old puppy played with it safely for a month. When two tugged and chewed on it a 3 in. Piece was swallowed and eventually thrown up by the puppy’s mom, both were sick, puppy pooped blood and orange and blue nylon strings. Regular vet, X-ray, Specialty vet X-ray, fluids, antibiotics, return visit, more X-rays, and mom had laparoscopic removal of material from dilated ulcerated stomach. Bill was over $5k!
Item # 1307648 refers to the NERF 3 dog toys and comments above. The puppy continues on antibiotics at this time and the mom receives two medications twice daily to treat her damaged stomach. She is a champion show dog and therapy dog and was preparing to leave soon to compete in an annual national Samoyed dog show. So all because this toy material is so hard on dogs if swallowed when chewed, and however it’s put together it just isn’t tight enough to stay together, we may have to pull the dogs from the show, and our vacation too after what we spent at the vet’s. But our pups are on the mend.