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I and very many Costco customers have been seeking this balsamic vinegar since you sold it at your store(mine in Sherbrooke QC). It is much in demand. Will you ever answer all the requests? Thanks for your (positive?) reply.
San Leandro Costco has Redoro Platinum for $9.97 just bought 6 as they are good til 2020, I believe the standard bottle was $6.97
Thanks! This new location had been added.
Where can I buy Redoro Platium aged balsamic vinegar in Montreal Canada.
Please say when Redoro Balsamic Vinegar will be available in Santa Rosa, Ca. It is the best vinegar I’ve ever had.
Please let me know when redoro will be available here in Ontario Canada it’s the best balsamic vinegar I ever had!!
Thank you 😊
Looking for this in Quebec please advise me where I can get this oroduft
I and very many Costco customers have been seeking this balsamic vinegar since you sold it at your store(mine in Sherbrooke QC). It is much in demand. Will you ever answer all the requests? Thanks for your (positive?) reply.
Will this be available online?
Will this ever be available online at n 2020? I can’t find it anywhere and it is DELICIOUS!
Costco in Vintage Oaks, Novato, Ca used to carry:redoro platinum balsamic vinegar of modena aged can you stock this item, please