2017 Valmorena Marchesi Barbera D’Asti
Item #:
Size / Qty:
750 ml
Wine Enthusiast: 90 pts
Sells elsewhere for $15-22 per bottle.
Confirmed Locations:
Wine Enthusiast: 90 pts
Sells elsewhere for $15-22 per bottle.
Confirmed Locations:
Can you make a tab or a setting that would let me view by location? I’m only interested in deals that are local to the Costco’s near me. Thanks
Hi there – there actually is a tab at the top of the page (easy to see on desktop – or you have to click on the hamburger menu icon on mobile devices) called “Deals by Location”. That will get you exactly what you’re asking for. Also here is a direct link to that page: https://costco97.com/deals-by-location/